EU Ecolabel now available for all UPM graphic paper grades

Following its Biofore approach, UPM Paper ENA has reached the next significant milestone in the company’s sustainability journey, as now all its mills produce papers that are awarded with the EU Ecolabel. The UPM Hürth paper mill completed the full range on June 5th, when its products received the EU Ecolabel certificate. The mill achieved…

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Laurel Brunners Blog: Partnering for the Environment

Efforts to improve the environmental footprint of print take many forms. However the only ones likely to make a difference generally coincide with commercial interests. Owners of such efforts are in a slippery position in that they potentially lay themselves open to charges of greenwashing and exploitation, no matter how sincere their offerings. But even…

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3 million Swedish kroner for ¨paper to replace plastic¨ project

BioBusiness Arena will receive a grant of 3 million Swedish kroner, 312,100 Euro, to replace petroleum products with paper solutions. The money will be used to research how methods developed by the Mid Sweden University can be used to create paper with characteristics found in plastic. The project underlines the sustainability of paper and the…

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Laurel Brunner Blog: Too many ecolabels

In Laurel Brunner´s Verdigris blog she talks about the fact that the growth of ecolabels is out of control. This growth is happening because companies and industries make up their own label and organisations that see it as a profitable business. She thinks a bigger role for GEN, the worldwide Global Ecolabel Network would help…

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Laurel Brunner Blog: Waste and Guild

We were, as Laurel Brunner describes in her Verdigris blog, doing really well with the recycling of paper and paper manufacturers were always finding new ways to use recycled paper pulp. In her Waste and Guilt blog, on our articles page, Laurel describes how the burning of paper, especially in new economies, is putting a…

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Lauren Brunner: Printing Plates Progress

The development of quick to produce and environmentally friendly offset plates is progressing fast. In her Verdigris blog Laurel gives the example of Agfa Arkana smart plate technology. A technology which not only uses less chemistry per plate, but a bath can cover 15,000 m2. Read more about these rapid developments in her blog on…

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Laurel Brunner Blog: What we don´t know about bamboo

Bamboo is, as Lauren Brunner describes in her Verdigris blog, a very valuable resource for the manufacturing of paper which is unknown to many.  Read her blog on our articles page about how bamboo not only has the properties to save the environment and support the economy in developing countries, but can also deliver unique…

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